- Sourcing for innovative products from Asia to distribute in Europe
- Exclusive distributorship for Germany with CHIMEI
- Exclusive distributorship for Germany and distribution agreement for EU 5 (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain) with SamKwang, one of the biggest glass manufacturers in Asia
- Cooperation with CHOISTEC in Europe
- Distributor agreement with Herlag (Germany) for Korea, Japan and Vietnam
- Distributor agreement with Kettler (Germany) for Japan and other Asian countries
- Business Development and consulting for LG Electronics (Smart TV)
- Sourcing for innovative products from Korea to distribute in Europe
- Business Development, Sourcing and Consulting for OBIGO
- Distribution and sales of innovative consumer products from Europe to Asia (f.e. Korea, Japan, Vietnam, …)
- Earnest Business in Asia with a focus on South Korea, Taiwan and Japan
- Nano Silver business in Europe
- Earnest Organic Distribution Business
Officially Recognized Organic Distributor in Europe
Biorna Korea Trademark Application
Businesses Adjustment (retail, trade and technology division)
- Organic Retail Division launched
- Consulting for Hyundai (Technology)
- Development of Organic and Natural integrated Brand Biorna
- Business Development and Sales for GloMind (Mobile)
- Consulting and QM for LG Mobile
- C&L INT GmbH renamed
Completed development Biorna and European Trademark Application - Consulting for Thyssen Krupp
- Consulting for WABS, Techno Moblie, etc.
- K-mall online Shopping for sale
(Management reform and expanding business sector)
- Aircraft Catering Asian Food Supply Business
- The first Asian Internet shopping mall K-mall launched in Europe (Handling for food and non-food, manufactured goods and other household goods
- C&L Europe e.K (Officially registered with the local distribution business in Germany)
- C&L founded